Monday, March 16, 2009


As you may or may not know, I love coffee. I have said many times before that I don't know if I could be a teacher if there was no coffee. Well, the past few weeks have been filled with grumpy, groggy mornings because I didn't have my standard two cups every morning. Some mornings I went without (devastating), some mornings I got by on drinking two instant coffee packets they have at school, which are more sugar and creamer than coffee, one morning I got cafe americano (espresso and hot water=gross), and the grumpiest morning of all, I ordered a large coffee at Dunkin Donuts and watched the girl fill it halfway with drip coffee and fill up the rest with hot water. I was so irritated and uncaffeinated that day. I spent about twenty minutes in the coffee aisle at the grocery store, trying to find a single bag of coffee that was not freeze-dried. Unsuccessful. BUT, this is all about to change. Yesterday I found some ground coffee and today after work I bought myself a cute little red coffee maker. Now I will be equipped to handle my 10 hour work day! 

It has been quite a rough adjustment to be at work that much every day, but I am finally starting to accept it. The coffee will help with this. It's not extremely challenging, it's just a LONG day. I get 40 minutes for lunch and and hour and a half of prep time, in which I am usually bored. I think I am going to start bringing a book. I just found out that on Wednesdays and Fridays I get off at 6:30, which will be nice. I think this schedule is will force me to take advantage of my weekends. I need to start planning some trips! 

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