Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I just opened a little container of cream cheese and there was a little security device inside the lid.  And they told me theft wasn't a problem in South Korea.

There is a black box on the wall in my apartment that says "Fire Escape". This is what's inside. I live on the eighth floor. Let's hope there's no fire, because I played sick the day we did repelling in gym class. 

This sign caught my eye because I suffer from the itchy ailment and I need to figure out how to say it in Korean so I can get some spray or something. Unfortunately, I don't think this would be the place to go. 


  1. Heh- I love hoew the 5th step of the repelling device has no translation..... because that step reveals that the rope is not long enough to reach the ground and you must then levitate downwards in order to survive.

    Miss you- I promise we will catch up soon....

  2. Haha that is funny! Also there is no picture for step 5...coincidence? I'll pray for no fires just in case.

    Maybe cream cheese is the one thing koreans can't resist stealing. Let's hope that's it. In the meantime, make sure you pay for everything.
